entry #1

entry #1

So, let me just say, today’s not been the best day.

Like every morning, I hit the gym—same routine, same intensity. But things took a turn while I was doing bent-over rows. I felt something strange in my lower back. You know that moment when you can just tell something’s off? Yeah, that was me. But of course, I didn’t stop. I pushed through, finished my workout, threw in some abs for good measure, and carried on with my day.

Once I got to the office, that subtle discomfort turned into actual pain. Slowly, it started increasing—nothing crazy at first, but enough to catch my attention. By the afternoon, it got worse. I tried popping a paracetamol, but it didn’t really do much.

At that point, I texted my brother in the Maldives, filling him in on the situation. He’s a doctor and suggested two medications: Naproxen (500 mg) and Pantonex, which he told me to take twice a day for three days. I took the first dose in the evening, but honestly, I haven’t felt any major relief yet. In fact, it feels like it’s getting worse. At this point, I cannot even stand straight.

I’m really hoping this isn’t something serious—like, permanent serious. I’ve always loved my gym routine, and the thought of being sidelined for long… ugh, let’s not go there. Fingers crossed that I bounce back quickly!

So yeah, if you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I’d appreciate it. Here’s hoping I’ll be back at the gym, stronger than ever, in no time!

Thanks for reading. Catch you in the next one.

Stay strong!


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