Reflecting on Resilience

A Year of Challenges and Growth in 2023

As we close the chapter on 2023, it’s time to cradle the memories that have tenderly woven themselves into the fabric of our lives. This year, with all its jagged edges and soft, warm corners, has been a tale of resilience, growth, and the quiet but resolute choice to hold self-respect and well-being as our most sacred treasures.

A Family’s Heartbeat Restored

The year began with an unexpected tremor, shaking the very ground beneath my feet—my mother’s heart faltered, and with it, time seemed to pause. Those hospital corridors, filled with the sterile scent of antiseptic and the weight of unspoken fears, became my world. Each moment was a tightrope walk between hope and despair. Yet, amidst this turmoil, I found an inner strength I never knew I possessed. My mother’s recovery was nothing short of a miracle, her resilience a beacon that guided me through the storm.

The Crossroads of Home and Heart

But life, in its relentless unpredictability, was not done with its lessons. My childhood home, once a sanctuary, had become a place where the air was thick with tension, where my father’s harshness and my sister’s volatility eroded the peace I so desperately sought. The decision to leave was like stepping off a precipice, into the unknown. It was not just about leaving a physical space, but about carving out a corner of the world where I could breathe freely, heal, and grow without the shadows of the past pulling me back.

Venturing Beyond Comfort Zones

This year was also about stepping into spaces that once felt foreign and intimidating. Learning to ride a motorbike might seem trivial to some, but for me, it was a journey of courage. The wind in my face, the thrill of movement, and the quiet confidence that comes from mastering something new—it was more than just riding; it was reclaiming parts of myself I had long forgotten.

The Courage to Walk Away

Then there was the relationship that blossomed briefly, like a delicate flower that withered too soon. Walking away was not a defeat, but a triumph of self-respect over settling for less than I deserve. It was a reminder that in love, as in life, valuing oneself is the foundation upon which all else is built.

Navigating the Maze of Family Ties

Perhaps the most complex dance this year was the one I performed with my family—maintaining a relationship with my father and sister, while protecting myself from their toxic undercurrents. My mother, still entwined in that world, needed my presence. So I learned to navigate this delicate balance, visiting twice a week, setting boundaries, and ensuring that I did not lose myself in the process.

Embracing the Winds of Change

Amidst these trials, 2023 also brought with it a breeze of change. New friendships were forged, old ties were severed, and forgotten bonds were rekindled. Each connection, whether lost or gained, added a new thread to the tapestry of my life, contributing to the ever-evolving portrait of who I am becoming.

Books as Beacons

Among the pages of the 27 books I devoured this year, a few left an indelible mark on my soul. Hanya Yanagihara’s “The People in the Trees” and Pajtim Statovci’s “Bolla” were not just stories, but explorations of the deepest recesses of the human spirit. Alejandro Zambra’s “Chilean Poet,” Ann Patchett’s “Tom Lake,” and David Goggins’ “Can’t Hurt Me” were companions on my journey, each offering wisdom and insight that expanded my understanding of the world and my place within it.

A World Reimagined

But the most profound shift in my perspective came with the tragic events unfolding in Palestine. The stark reality of genocide forced me to reassess my beliefs, my politics, and my understanding of justice. It was a moment of awakening, a call to arms not just for others, but for myself—to live with greater awareness, compassion, and a commitment to justice in every small action I take.

A Year of Becoming

As 2023 draws to a close, I look back with gratitude, not for the hardships themselves, but for the growth they inspired. This year was a metamorphosis—a shedding of old skins, a blossoming into something new. Every challenge, every triumph, has shaped me into who I am today, ready to step into the new year with strength, wisdom, and an unshakeable belief in the power of change.

31st Dec. 2023