what I eat in a day

what I eat in a day

Every morning, at 5:30, I get up. I start by having two glasses of warm water mixed with lemon juice. I wash up, I pray, and I meditate.

Around 6:30, I make a glass of beet juice. I have three little, thin rooties along with mixed vegetables for breakfast before heading to the gym. I eat a banana before working out; while working out, I drink black coffee and seasonal fruit juice. I drink a glass of whey isolate protein shake following an hour of exercise before getting ready for work.

I have two boiled eggs and a medium-to-large carrot when I get to work about 9 a.m. Around ten in the morning, I have a cup of black or green tea with butter toast.

After namaz at the Zohar, I eat lunch. 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of leafy vegetables, 1 cup of chicken or fish, and 1 cup of daal. After lunch, I’ll eat something sweet. Without dessert, it is difficult for me to function. I have a cup of black or green tea around three o’clock.

Depending on how I feel that particular evening, I have two eggs or a bowl of soup or masala oats or a kabab made of soy meat and chicken with sautéed veggies around 6 p.m. after work. I barely eat anything after that. I simply have one scoop of casein with a glass of milk before I go to bed.

I hydrate myself well throughout the day. I drink water before a big meal, not during or just after the meal. Water gives me energy, water keeps me going.

You have already read about all the healthy foods I consume to maintain my body’s purity. But there are days  I do not follow any regimens. I often eat whatever makes me happy on the weekends. I adore Shami Kabab, Chicken Korma, and Polau. I feel horrible if I don’t eat Polau once a week! Another thing I love to eat is Deshi Mishti.

Routines becoming broken every so often is normal for humans. But I also take great care of it. I rarely deviate from my routines. I usually eat healthily. This article is only for my buddies my age who frequently ask about my daily diet.

~ August 24, 2022