

When someone asks, “So, what do you do?” I usually find myself taking a deep breath and wondering where to begin. By day, I’m weaving stories and building bridges in public relations at Jatrik. By night (and sometimes between meetings), I’m the mastermind behind an online book business, a graphic design enthusiast, a social media juggler, an occasional wordsmith, and an always-avid reader. Oh, and I also moonlight as a passionate, albeit sporadic, chef.

Dhaka is my playground, where I alternate between haunting bookstores, exploring gadget shops, and indulging in the comfort of my own four walls. Every morning, I can be spotted at the gym, chasing perfection one rep at a time. My biggest fear? That my lifetime won’t be long enough to read all the books on my ever-growing list.

I’m a staunch advocate for a healthy lifestyle, not just for myself but for anyone who’ll listen. An eternal optimist, I believe in the power of good deeds, good people, good food and the magic of a good book.

I am all of these things and more—a collection of experiences, a believer in endless possibilities, and a work in progress. Beyond the confines of a character count or a perfectly curated photo, there’s a story still being written, and it’s just getting started.