wish I could write

Sometimes, I find myself adrift in a sea of thoughts—beautiful, fleeting, and deeply personal. These thoughts dance in my mind, as if each one is a delicate leaf caught in a gentle breeze. They swirl and twirl, full of color and life, but when I reach out to capture them, they slip through my fingers like sand.

I wish I had the ability to write. To take these thoughts, these ephemeral wisps of feeling, and pin them down with words that do them justice. I imagine what it would be like to pour them onto a page, each sentence a brushstroke painting the landscape of my inner world. But when I try, the words that come out feel flat, like they’ve lost their sparkle on the journey from my heart to my hands.

It’s frustrating, this gap between what I feel and what I can express. I want to share these moments, these insights, with the world—or maybe just with myself. But instead, I find myself lost in translation, unable to articulate the fullness of what I think and feel. It’s like having a song stuck in your head, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t find the right melody to hum.

Yet, even as I struggle, I find comfort in the attempt. There’s something beautiful in trying to capture the intangible, in reaching out to express what feels impossible to express. Maybe the words don’t come out perfectly, maybe they never will. But there’s a certain kind of magic in the effort—in the simple, earnest act of trying.

So, I continue to try, to find the words that will do justice to the thoughts that flutter through my mind. And maybe one day, the words will come easily, naturally, like a river flowing to the sea. But until then, I’ll cherish the journey, and the quiet, persistent hope that someday, I’ll be able to articulate the thoughts that live inside me.

For now, I’ll hold onto this hope, and keep trying. Because even if I can’t always find the right words, I know that the attempt is worth it. After all, it’s in the trying that we find the heart of what truly matters.